
May 6, 2024
Testnet Node Operator and Validator Application Guide
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications to become a node operator or validator for the 0G Testnet “Newton”.
Newton is primarily aimed at testing 0G’s basic functionalities in advance of our upcoming mainnet launch and will include various phases that each test different products and features.
Applications will be live for one week, and we encourage those interested to apply here.
Below we’ll provide an overview of key information for potential applicants, including:
How to get involved
Key information and decision criteria
Tasks & expectations
How to apply
Three Ways To Get Involved
We aim to select a total of ~125 distinct validators to begin, with the primary criteria being that validators maintain a stable running of nodes and help more users access the network. We will also rely upon our existing 1.0.0-testnet network, rather than launching a new one.
It’s also important to note that we pivoted from Evmos to Kava, given that Evmos changed their license to a commercial one which may present issues at a later date. We still consider Kava a very strong choice that complements our scalability and interoperability needs, while having substantial developer incentives and advanced DeFi capabilities. This strategic move aligns with our commitment to maintaining an efficient, cost-effective, and developer-friendly platform.
There are five primary ways in which one may participate:
a) Validator Nodes
Validator Nodes maintain 0G Consensus, which can involve any arbitrary number of consensus networks that are simultaneously validated via shared staking. This is the enabler of 0G’s infinite scalability, and Validator Nodes also interact with 0G Storage to ensure data availability.
To watch our video guide, click here.
b) Storage Nodes
Storage Nodes are responsible for maintaining 0G Storage, 0G’s general data storage system for structured or unstructured data. This includes storing and retrieving data chunks promptly, as well as coordinating with 0G DA to confirm data availability.
Storage Nodes are incentivized to store data via rewards distributed to those that can successfully answer queries relating to archived data. This is known as Proof of Random Access (PoRA) and it’s a variation of PoW that also relies on computing power.
To watch our video guide, click here.
c) Key-Value (KV) Nodes
0G Storage provides a key-value (KV) runtime on top of our log layer, with KV nodes accessing the state of KV stored data at any given moment in time. Keys are updated via log entries that contain updated KV pair information, and KV nodes essentially synchronize with one another to maintain 0G’s shared decentralized log system. Therefore, KV nodes are essential in accurately storing information in 0G Storage.
d) RPC Nodes & DA Nodes
RPC Nodes are a special type of full node that help to ensure that 0G’s remote procedure calls function smoothly, and do not require staking.
Meanwhile, there will also be DA Nodes that help ensure data availability, and we'll release more details shortly.
Key Details
Node operators and validators are expected to help ensure a stable network. To that end, we will evaluate applicants based on historical success in this domain, amongst other criteria such as their past contributions towards maintaining stable networks.
There will also be tasks, including:
Running one’s relevant node (Storage, validator, or KV)
Reporting bugs
Developing and deploying dApps
Using 0G Storage
Improving documentation
We will use various metrics for tracking the top participants, including on-chain information, GitHub issues raised, and internal monitors. That being said, the reward pools are still under design and more information will be shared shortly.
There will be no KYC, and anyone globally may participate.
Application Link & Other Resources
The application link is now live and can be found here.
Other relevant links include:
Full Testnet Guide:
0G Codebase:
0G Docs:
Testnet scanner:
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